Borneo Blue Conservancy (BBC) in collaboration with Endangered Marine Species Research Unit (UEMS) under Borneo Marine Research Institute (BMRI), and Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) through the Coral Triangle Initiative Sabah Branch (CTI-SAB) organised the Ocean Conservation for All (OC4A) program on the 9th of September 2017 which at Kg. Kebagu, Menggatal.
The objectives for this program were to raise awareness among the coastal community including school children in Kg. Kebagu regarding major issues in related to marine conservation, to educate coastal community including school children regarding endangered and protected marine species in Sabah and to introduce sustainable fishing practices and lifestyle to the coastal community in Kg. Kebagu.
The programs included talks by the invited speakers from different NGOs and organisation namely Dr. John Madin from the Endangered Marine Species Research Unit (UEMS), Melissa Leong from the Borneo Eco Film Festival (BEFF) and Nadhirah Rifai from Reef Check Malaysia. The topics covered in the talks were related to sustainable fishing practices, sustainability and reef conservation. There were also other activities included such as film screening by BEFF, an exhibiting on sharks and rays by UEMS and beach clean-up.
During the beach clean-up which involved the local community and the public, a total of 108 bags of trash were collected despite the heavy rain on the day of the program. The trash bags were then collected by two lorries provided by the Kota Kinabalu City Hall (DBKK).
This event has been highlighted in two newspapers, namely Sin Chew Daily on the 10th of September 2017 and Borneo Post on the 11th of September 2017.